Website The Real Uganda
Setting: Clinics
Role: In this program, volunteers work alongside local counsellors and health care professionals, in a variety of locations, designed to help Ugandans stay healthy and make good decisions about their health care. Volunteers can also work in clinics and maternity hospitals talking directly to women and girls about safe sex, family planning, maternal and child health, and nutrition. Volunteers are involved in the lab and pharmacy, as well.
Time Commitment: 2-12 Weeks
When: Ongoing
Application Deadline: Ongoing
Requirements: Provide a clear criminal background check, as well as other documents and credentials pertaining to your qualifications and education.
Cost: Costs range from $1,282 CAD to $3,563 CAD. Volunteers are also responsible for their own airfare, travel insurance, and spending money (and visas & permits where required).
For more information visit: TRU