January 18, 2024by CMF_Admin

Website Natembelea Africa Volunteer Residence

Setting: Hospitals & Clinics

Role:  You will visit several homes and provide medical treatment to the families, or travel to one location where families will be informed to come to the volunteers. You will help provide treatments, take vitals and give general health education for the locals of Tanzania.

Time Commitment: 1-6 Weeks

When: Ongoing; Starts on the 1st and 15th of every month

Application Deadline: Ongoing

Requirements: A copy of your transcript showing your school experience or a license, two reference letters from a professor or supervisor in the medical field, and a CV or resume explaining your experience.

Cost: Costs range from $374 CAD to $1,352 CAD. Volunteers are also responsible for their own airfare, travel insurance, and spending money (and visas & permits where required). Each time there is a medical outreach, there will be a fee to cover the cost of transportation, as well as the per diem cost of having a community health worker or government doctor in attendance (this fee usually ranges from $5 USD to $15 USD per volunteer). This program has an additional fee of $80 USD per week to cover supervision and logistics of placement. In these placements Natembelea Africa will charge an extra 100 USD, which is a one-time fee for all the time you will be on the program. This is directly transferred to the institutions and centres to develop their facilities and service provision.

For more information visit: NAVR

Email: Info@natembeleaafrica.or.tz

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