Site web Voyage Médical
Paramètre: Hôpital
Rôle: You could be working in an array of placements such as, general medical, surgical, theatres, outpatients, and children’s wards. You will work directly with patient’s in a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and assistants caring for sick and unwell people in Arusha.
Engagement de temps : 2-12 semaines
Quand: En cours
Date limite d'inscription: En cours
Exigences: A criminal background check or two signed character references, nursing degree or relevant qualifications, CV, proof of education, relevant certications, and passport copy (Visa & Permit also, where required).
Coût: $150 Registration Fee, Program fees range from $1,033 CAD to $2,508 CAD. Volunteers are responsible for flights, travel insurance and vaccines. (and visas & permits where required).
Pour plus d'informations, visitez: Voyage Médical
E-mail: info@meditripvolunteers.co.uk